Course Reserve Form - Books/AVs

  1. Course reserve service is for instructors only.
  2. Reserve lists will be processed in the order they are received. There will be no priority given to lists submitted after the course has started.
  3. Please include COMPLETE bibliographic information for items needed.
  4. NO reserve lists will be accepted over the phone.
  5. Personal copies of material may be placed on reserve. The library does not take responsibility for this material.
  6. SUBMIT EARLY! Books/AVs might have to be recalled or ordered if the library does not own a requested title.
  7. If you prefer, you may submit your feedback via e-mail. Either way, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Committee or course: *

Date of request:

Chairman of committee: *

Person placing material on reserve: *

Phone: *

Mail Code:

First day of class: * Examination date: *

Number of students in class:

The following book(s) will be placed on Closed++ Reserve for the duration of the Committee. If you need to request multiple items, simply change the information below and resubmit the form.

Book/AV Author: *

Book/AV Title: *

Publisher and Year of Publication:

UCHC Call Number:

Required text? Yes No *

Before you submit the form data, make sure you have completely filled out any field with an * next to it. The form will not be sent unless these fields are filled in. Also, please take a moment to verify that the information that you have supplie d is accurate.


++ Closed Reserve is located at the circulation desk and contains a selection of required material for the duration of a course. SPACE IS LIMITED. Material is checked out for 2 hours “in Library use only” during the day with a valid library card.

Closed Reserve books can be checked out for overnight use two hours prior to the close of the library, with a valid library card, and must be returned within an hour after opening the next day.

Circulation Department